Woody and Falkenbach
110 West Front Street
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610.566.8770
Fax: 610.566.5168
Email: dwoody4353@aol.com
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What is Employment Law?
School Law
Employment law covers wrongful terminations, unemployment compensation hearings, sexual harassment, and discrimination on the basis of age, race, ethnic origin, and sex in the workplace.

If you believe you have been terminated for an unlawful reason, you should immediately contact an employment law attorney to address your rights, as some employment law claims are time sensitive and can even expire if not addressed within six (6) months.

Employment law also covers the creation, review, or negotiation of severance packages, or similar contracts. Often times, severance packages include the waiver of rights and remedies or in some cases limits an individual's right to seek similar employment. You should consult with an employment law attorney prior to signing such a document.
110 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063
PH: 610.566.8770
FAX: 610.566.5168
©Copyright 2006 - 2025 Woody and Falkenbach